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electric power technology中文是什么意思

用"electric power technology"造句"electric power technology"怎么读"electric power technology" in a sentence


  • 电力技术


  • Northeast electric power technology
  • Sichuan electric power technology
  • Electric power technology - current systems - concepts , quantities , letter symbols
  • Design and development of electric power technology supervision and management informaton system based on web technology
  • With the development of the computer , autocontrol technology and the electron and electric power technology , the performance of the frequency conversion of ac drive has been improved greatly , and some new technique such as vector control and direct torque control have been applied widely
  • Shanghai julong electric power technology company ltd . is a high and new technology responsibility company ltd . invested jointly by eastern power supply company under shanghai municipal electric power corporation , shanghai general electric power industrial company and southern power supply company under shanghai municipal electric power corporation
  • A dispatcher training simulator for restoration of power system is studied in this paper , according to the developing tendency of the electric power technology , the author developed a net - based client / server mode fault diagnosis simulator of hengshui power system , realized the training function of teacher pc / student pc
用"electric power technology"造句  


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